Loan Modification - Been Turned Down? Here's What You Can Do Now

Loan Modification - Been Turned Down? Here's What You Can Do NowBy []Susan V. Gregory
Have you applied for a loan modification with your lender and been turned down? Maybe you are still waiting for your lender to get back to you and feel like you are getting the run around. Did you know that you are entitled to re-apply for the Obama federal program-even if you have applied before or been declined? That's right-every homeowner who requests to be considered for this plan must be given the opportunity for their application to be reviewed to determine eligibility. This could be the second chance you need-make sure you do it right this time-here is some important information you need to know before you contact your lender.
Your loan modification application will be reviewed carefully by your lender to determine if you qualify for a loan workout and which program will best fit your circumstances. Your lender has it's own plans as well as the federally subsidized program, Home Affordable. Because the determination will be based in large part on the information you provide on your application, it is really important to make sure that you have presented your case in the best possible manner. This not the time to take chances-you need to take the time and make the effort to learn a bit about how to improve your chances of success if you hope to qualify.
The secret to success with your loan modification is simple-understand what your lender is looking for to approve your application-then prepare your loan modification forms so that they prove in black and white that you meet the approval guidelines. This is not hard to do-once you learn the basics you will be able to prepare your paperwork correctly and give yourself the best chance of getting the lower monthly payment you need to stay in your home.
President Obama has warned against paying any large, upfront fees to apply for your loan modification. You can do this yourself successfully with just a bit of upfront preparation. Don't wait to get started, many of the programs have limited time frames and funding. The sooner you begin the process the sooner you will get the help you need. You can do this yourself, take the first step and begin to get the information you need to prepare your loan modification application - what have you got to lose?
Don't worry, you do not have to figure this out all by yourself. You can get the help you need to understand the mortgage []loan modification process by ordering and downloading The Complete Loan Modification Guide. This is a low cost, easy to read home edition loan mod kit that will provide you with everything you need to prepare a professional and acceptable loan modification application. You are provided with all of the necessary forms and given detailed directions on how to complete them properly. The Complete Loan Modification Guide will take you step by step through calculating your debt ratio, completing the financial statements, writing your hardship letter and then putting it all together to submit to your lender. Learn how to apply and qualify for the Obama plan. Get started today on the path to secure home ownership, order and download The Complete Loan Modification Guide.
For more information about mortgage loan modification, please visit us at:
Article Source:

Maria T. Villalobos
Real Estate Associate
Brickell Realty Group
