City of Miami may attempt to annex land near Miami River

The City of Miami may attempt to annex land near Miami River, they will begin the process in the coming weeks of trying to annex some 1,600 acres near the Miami River and Miami International Airport, including valuable neighborhoods that are home to dozens of multi-national corporations. The areas of Blue Lagoon West, which is located next to the Blue Lagoon area; Melrose Park and Palmer Lake, which are on the north and south banks of the Miami River to the east of the airport; and 36th Street North, the area south of State Road 112 around Miami Jackson Senior High are the ones under discussion.
Other areas in the vicinity have also been considered but these are the ones that represent the most value because of their high density residential or commercial activity that would generate additional revenue to the City in the form of taxes.
If approved, neighbors in the areas proposed would now be incorporated and could receive more benefits from the City.

For more information please read the article below from the Miami Herald:

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Maria T Villalobos, PA, CDPE
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