Chinese Drywall found in a Condo Building in Brickell

Chinese drywall was found in 29 units at the 500 Brickell East tower!
After conducting laboratory tests the issue was confirmed, and residents have been informed of the situation and available remedies. The drywall will have to be immediately replaced to avoid further damage using association's funds until a resolution is met with the Contractors of the building. Otherwise Condo fees will have to be raised by up to 25% to cover the expense.
Chinese drywall was used by contractors during the construction boom in 2005 when a shortage of materials forced companies to look for the drywall in foreign countries such as China.
Chinese drywall has been linked to respiratory problems, itchy eyes, corrosion in fixtures, and air conditioning issues among others.
The defective drywall is not exclusive to Brickell, it has also been found in different developments throughout the city such as Doral and Kendal, which also took care of the problem when they found out about the issue.
Unfortunately if your home is found to have Chinese Drywall, this not only affects your health, but also your pocket since potential investors will try to steer clear of the issue, or offer a reduced price on the property.
For more information on the matter read the article below by the Miami Herald:

These and other important issues are the ones I look for when helping you decide on a property to invest in. If you are looking for a condominium in the area of Brickell contact me.

Maria T. Villalobos

Real Estate Advisor

Public Notary

Florida Capital Realty

Cell. 786-285-5855
