Tired of paying High Income Taxes, State Tax and Death Taxes? Become a Florida Resident!

With some States already charging high income taxes, State Taxes and/or Death Taxes; and new Tax Laws that restrict or eliminate some of the deductions high income earners used to lower their tax obligations, many of them are looking for more Tax Friendly states to relocate to, and Florida stands out as an attractive option for these high earners to relocate their businesses and to call home.

Here are just some of the advantages of becoming a Florida Resident:

1.       No State Income Tax. The biggest advantage of being a Florida resident -- from a tax perspective at least -- is that Florida charges no state income tax whatsoever for individuals. Moving to Florida from a state like New York can save high income earners thousands or even millions of dollars in taxes. In addition, the prohibition against collecting an individual income tax is part of the Florida Constitution. Not only that, but Florida’s Constitution also prohibits municipalities and counties from levying any personal income tax.

2.       No Death Taxes. The Florida Constitution prohibits the imposition of a state death tax, so Moving to Florida from a state like Massachusetts or New York can save a family thousands if not millions of dollars in state death taxes. Simply put, this means you won't have to pay state taxes on any money inherited by you.

3.       No Estate Taxes. An estate tax is like an inheritance tax, except it's paid by the estate of the deceased -- not the inheritor. This includes your property, investments and even certain insurance payouts.

4.       Asset Protection and Tax Benefits for a Primary Residence. Florida’s Homestead Law protects the Florida resident from losing his or her home to a creditor or any other lien holder, except for mortgages. If you buy a home in Florida and declare it as your primary "homestead" residence, then, aside from the asset protection you will also receive tax benefits. First, you will receive an exemption for the first $50,000 of value for property tax purposes (except for school district taxes which only receive a $25,000 exemption). Second, which is of great benefit as your homestead residence increases in value, is the "Save Our Homes" cap on annual assessments, which means that the assessed value of your homestead for property tax purposes cannot increase on annual basis by more than the change in the CPI or 3% if the change in the CPI is more than 3%.

5.       Tenancies by the Entirety. Tenancy by the entirety is a form of joint ownership for married couples only and provides excellent asset protection benefits. spouses who own property as tenants by the entirety each own an undivided interest in the property, each has full rights to occupy and use it, and has a right of survivorship. Tenants by the entirety also cannot transfer their interest in the property without the consent of the other spouse.

However, in the case where both spouses are indebted to a creditor, there is no tenancy by entireties property. This protection exists only if a creditor has a claim against only one individual of the married couple.
6.       Miami is called the Manhattan of the South. While New York remains the undisputed center of the hedge-fund universe, there are approximately 70 hedge and private equity funds now headquartered in Florida, as well as many top wealth strategists, tax advisors and estate planning attorneys. Brickell is home to the largest number of international banks in the United States

7.       Affordable Luxury. Miami is still an affordable market compared to other cities like Manhattan or LA with home prices about 30% less expensive and plenty of High Rise Waterfront Condominiums or Single-Family Home options to choose from.

8.       A Gateway to the Americas. With the growing Latino market, setting up shop in Miami means capitalizing on a growing Latin American client base. With great political and financial instability in Central and South American countries, wealthy nationals look to Miami as a shelter to secure their money and make it grow.

9.       Warm Weather, Golf Courses, Art Basel, and great nightlife. Miami’s weather allows its residents to enjoy year-round activities under the sun including Formula One races which will debut in Miami this October.

Since tax and asset protection benefits are only available to Floridians, residency may be an attractive financial option for you. To obtain the tax advantages it is not enough to buy a residence, it may also require living in the state at least six months of the year, and to qualify as a non-resident of the original state.

There are several actions an applicant can take to help establish intent:

·         Obtain a Florida driver’s license
·         Register your vehicles in Florida
·         Register to vote in Florida
·         File a Florida Declaration of Domicile with the county Clerk of Courts
·         File for the Homestead Exemption on your residence
·         Update your estate planning documents to comply with Florida law
·         Focus your major affairs and relationships in Florida

It is also important to use Florida professionals, such as attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors, whenever possible since these professionals understand the ins and outs of Florida laws that will affect your estate planning, tax planning, and investments.

Ready to move? Get your beach towel and call me to start the search of your new home!

 Maria T Villalobos, CDPE

   Realtor Associate - Public Notary
  USA. 786-285-5855

   Vzla. 0212- 210-5398
