Florida leads the Nation in the creation of Businesses owned by Women!

Florida ranked Number 1 in the creation of Women-Owned Businesses in the last 9 years with over 970,000 businesses that employ 500,0000 people as per the “2016 State of Women-Owned Businesses report” commissioned by American Express OPEN!

Are you an Entrepreneur woman with good ideas and a desire to be your own boss?

Go Ahead! There’s no limits! Did you know there are over 11 million women-owned businesses in The US that employ almost 9 million people and generate over $1.6 Billion in revenue?

In fact, at the national level, one of the fastest growing sectors is the Minority women-owned businesses. The report concluded that, since 2007, almost 8 of every 10 new women owned businesses were created by a woman from a minority.  

The report estimates that almost half of all women-owned businesses are in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area, reason why organizations such as the Small Business Administration, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, and WinLab have launched several programs in South Florida in recent years to help with the growth of this sector.

Read more about the report in The Sun Sentinel.

Congratulations to all the Women who have realized their dream of being a Business Owner! Proud to be a Woman! 


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